What is FotoUtopia? Utopia is an ideally perfect place for human beings, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects; for there is no poverty, no starvation, no fear, no pain, and no regret, but a place full of amazing grace. In the art of photography, a grand master uses his camera, with the expression of his ideas, the progression of light and color, and the composition to seize the moments. The endowment of talent, diligence and dedication is, in fact, the artist’s self-motivation to cherish perfection. Otherwise, the so-called “Utopia” is virtually an illusion. For me, the practice of photography is a pastime; and I’ll be very pleased if only a few of my works can stand the test of time.
國人追尋之桃花源,洋人之烏托邦,都只是虛無飄渺的理想邦. 在攝影的國度裹,攝影家何嘗不是透過光,色,構圖來捕捉那決定性的瞬間,追尋完美的境界.但在現今講求“投資少,效益高”,急功近利之“即食文化”氣氛充斥之下,對鑽研影藝的一份堅持和執?,才是追求攝影藝術的原動力.否則,追尋 什麼“桃花源”,“烏托邦”,只不過是“鏡花水月”而己. 余生性疏懶,攝影只求自娛,不求聞達.只羨閒雲野鶴,偶留雲泥鴻爪.若其中偶有一二得知音同好欣賞,則老懷告慰矣.